Thursday, January 19, 2017

Day 6: Bonaire!

We arrive in the wee early hours and dock around 7am.  Today we are in Bonaire from 7am until 5pm.

Bonaire:  Located in the lower Southern Caribbean, one of six Dutch islands a part of the ABC chain of the Leeward Islands (Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao).  Due to the cooling trade winds, the average temperature hovers around 82 degrees.  The language is predominantly Dutch, but English and Spanish are widely spoken while the locals speak Papiamento.  Currency:  US Dollar ($)
It was back in 2011 (when we were last on this beautiful island) when Bonaire changed their currency from the local florin to the US Dollar.  I was told it took a year for this conversion to take place.
Bonaire is my favorite island of the ABC islands.  It is a very rustic island that is a protected marine reserve.  You will not see any commercial high rises nor any commercial hotels.  It is a very peaceful island:  

Bonaire F1705
Bonaire F1706
Bonaire F1715
As I mentioned before, the last time we were in Bonaire was six years ago.  We immediately noticed some new changes.  The yellow buildings (shops) right outside the security gate are new:

Bonaire F1716
Hubby watching the dock activities:

Bonaire F1720
Throwing the line ashore:

Bonaire F1731
Looking to the right or south of the cruise pier.  Divi Resort and Dive shop.  If you look real close, you can see dark round shapes in the water.  Folks snorkeling:

Bonaire F1738
We let our fellow cruisers disembark first.  No need for standing in long lines this cruise:

Bonaire F1742
Taxis and mini vans lined up and waiting:

Bonaire F1740
Something new to us.  Under the blue tents are various tour companies waiting to sign our fellow cruisers for snorkeling, diving, and tours of the island:

Bonaire F1749
Look how clear the water is here:

Bonaire F1752
The small wood dock is new.  Looks like a good place to jump in the water and dive or snorkel:

Bonaire F1753
A view of Divi Flamingo Resort with the two piers:

Bonaire F1757
Bonaire F1761
Can you see the rainbow?

Bonaire F1775

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