Sunday, January 15, 2017

Day 2 - @Sea

Hubby and I both had a rough night of sleeping.  While we enjoy the ships’s rolling that supposedly lulls us to sleep, we had a difficult time with the hangers clanging together in our closet.  It reminded me of wind chimes that were way off key.  So at various times throughout the night and into the morning, we would wake up and then go back to sleep.  Every now and then the ship would hit a swell and then drop like a “thud” into the water and the hangers would really clang louder.  Oh, did I mention our cabin is located forward?  That’s why we feel the “thud” more.

Since I was up early this morning, I continued with our cruise blog updates.  Reviewed additional pictures I took and then waited for Hubby to wake up.

I wanted to add that the Internet and WiFi connectivity in our cabin is fabulous.  Not lightning speed great, but fast enough for me to upload all the pictures I’ve posted so far.  We must be close to an access point.  I must remember to look up at the ceiling in the hallway the next time I leave our cabin.

After Hubby woke up, we had 3 choices for the morning:  workout in the gym, get coffee, or eat breakfast.  The latter sounded like a better option for us and on our way to the buffet we ran into D who had finished shooting hoops somewhere on deck 17.

I must say the food in the buffet has improved since the last time we were on this ship three years ago.  I had my basics:  scrambled eggs, potatoes, small yogurt, smoked salmon and capers, and a slice of pineapple…still careful not to fill my plate.  Hubby has oatmeal, smoked salmon and capers, and a fried egg.

We tried to wake up with some skinny mocha from the International Cafe coffee bar, but it didn’t do the trick.  So instead of fighting the sleepiness and being lulled by the ship’s movement, we decided to have a lazy/down day.  Our gym time was pushed back several times.  The day was a warm 81 degrees but you could not tell as it was a windy day and we could not sit on our balcony.  The sun had made an appearance on the other side of the ship (starboard) and we had hoped it would appear on our side.  No such luck.  Not today.  Maybe tomorrow.

Later in the afternoon we caught up with D and M in the Piazza (deck 7) and decided to watch the football game on the outdoor MUTS screen on deck 15 midship.  We were able to snag four loungers  and watch the Packers vs Cowboys game.  Somewhere during the second quarter, my eyelids were getting heavy and my rear end was getting stiff sitting on the lounge chair.  I mentioned to Hubby we should go to the gym since everyone is watching the football game or getting ready for formal night.

So off to the gym we go on deck 16 forward.  We almost had the gym to ourselves.  We each staked out our own treadmill and hopped on.  OMG!  I had a slight problem trying to do a fast walk while the ship was cutting through the water.  I forgot that we were all the way forward on the ship.  I looked out the window to get my bearings and saw that the treadmill and myself were on the port side, but close to the center.  It did not matter I could not keep a straight walk on the treadmill.  Every now and then Hubby would hear me giggle as I tried to walk without holding onto the handrail.  Still, we managed to get in 20 or so minutes of fast paced walking.  Okay, I made sure I burned the equivalent calories to the bowl of hot, crispy, tender french fries I had earlier.

We did most of the circuit weight stations and I then moved onto the dumbbells which proved to be quite an interesting feat while I was standing.

Hubby and I headed back over to MUTS to see the last minute of the Packers/Cowboys game.  Oh my!  The score is tied?!  Did we miss something?  Our fellow cruisers were heavy on the Packers side.  Every now and then we would hear the weak Cowboy fans cheer.  Still a good game with some incredible catches.  Yeah, I won’t mention the missed ones….

As you can see we opted out of doing formal night.  It was a last minute decision and since we started out with a lazy sea day it just felt right to end it that way.  We still  have two more formal nights to go.  It’s not like half my suitcase was devoted to formalwear.  I just bring one fancy dress (lightweight) and then other fancy tops with black pants that can be swapped around and even worn on casual evenings.

Cruising is great.  You can participate in most of the activities on the ship or do absolutely nothing.  It’s your choice.

We set our clocks ahead one hour this evening and it’s lights out by 9:30pm (or 10:30 if clocks were adjusted).   Zzzzzzzzzzzz…..

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