The Celebrity Constellation arrived after 8am and docked along side of us.
Got up early in the morning to start our laundry. Two hours later and two loads of laundry done, I head out in the rain to the cruise terminal to do some window shopping. Hubby stayed on the ship to get some R&R.
After two hours of browsing, I head back to the ship and bright sunny skies. I checked on hubby (who was napping) and grab my camera and head back to the pier to take some pictures:
When I get back to the cabin, hubby is ready to get to the gym. So off we go to run a mile on the treadmill and then lift some weights.
We set sail and leave Grenada around 2pm. The sun finally appeared on our balcony and we head outside to enjoy the warmth. Sailing in the open ocean with a slight breeze made me very sleepy. There are intermittent naps in order for today.
Tonight we headed down to the Princess Theater to watch a movie. This is a treat as watching a movie at MUTS can be very windy and a bit chilly outside.
Today, I walked 4.25 miles.
Tomorrow, we are in Bonaire.